January 7th, 2016
1. Happy New Year to all of our Smithson families!
2. Our next Lunchbox lunch will be Swiss Chalet on Friday, January 15th. Please visit
lunchboxorders.com if you would like to order a hot lunch for your child. Orders must
be submitted online by Sunday at noon, to order for the coming Friday’s lunch.
3. January 19th, Dairy Educator Presentations for all students.
4. PD Day, Friday January 30th. No school on this day. Teachers will be working on
Assessment and Evaluation for Term 1 Report Cards.
5. Popcorn and cookie sales continue every Thursday, at second break in the front
foyer. Each bag of popcorn or individually wrapped cookie will be sold for $1 each,
with proceeds going towards this year’s Grade 6 trip.