January 8th, 2015
- Kindergarten Registration will be on Tuesday, February 3rd from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm and on Thursday, February, 5th from 12:00 pm – 3:45 pm. If you have a child, or know of a child that resides in our boundary, that was born in 2010 (not currently in JK) or 2011, please call the school at 519-578-3890 to make an appointment for Kindergarten Registration.
- Milk orders can be placed online at http://www.remembermeinc.com/ Milk is delivered daily and is $1.00 per carton. Strawberry Banana Smoothies are also available for $2.00. Lunch box orders from Swiss Chalet, Pita Pit and Subway are delivered every Friday. You may order for your child online at http://lunchboxorders.com/ Orders must be placed by Saturday at noon for the following Friday’s delivery.
- Little Bit of Italy Friendship Lunch Thursday, January 22nd, order deadline is January 16th. Friendship Lunch is $5.50 per person and will consist of a Rice Krispy Square at the first Nutrition Break, followed by pasta with butter, parmesan cheese and red sauce (Parmesan cheese and red sauce optional), garlic bread and Caesar Salad at the Second Nutrition Break.
- PA Day-January 30th – There will be no school on Friday, January 30th.The focus of this Professional Activity Day for teachers is Teacher directed assessment, evaluation and planning activities. The January 30th PD Day will include a full day of training opportunities available to Paraprofessional staff.