Weekly Announcements – June 11th

  1. Today was the last day for Breakfast Club for this School Year. During the week of June 22-25, students who would normally attend Breakfast Club should arrive to school no earlier than 8:40am when yard supervision begins. The start date for the 2015-16 school year will be communicated to families once the school year begins in the fall.

We’d like to take this opportunity to offer our sincerest thanks to the incredible volunteers who make this program possible for our students!

  1. Upcoming Dates:

June 23rd @ 12:30 pm – Volunteer Appreciation Assembly

June 24th @ 9:15 am Grade 6 Graduation

June 25th – last day of classes


  1. Staffing Updates

As the end of June approaches it is time to bid farewell to a few of our Smithson staff members.  Miss Julia Kezys, Miss April Harper, and Miss Sara Boegel will be teaching elsewhere in WRDSB in September.  Mrs. Anne-Marie Smith will be taking a year off to travel and pursue professional development opportunities, we will welcome her back in September 2016.  In September, we welcome back ECE Mrs. Chelsea Bannon, so we must say good-bye to Miss Arya Saiel.  We wish Miss Saiel well as she pursues other opportunities within our Board.  Mrs. Laura Bacvar’s temporary EA position comes to an end at the end of June, so we say good-bye to her as well.