Letter for Parents – collecting personal belongings June 2020

June 8, 2020

Dear student and families, 

I am pleased to share the process for the retrieval of student belongings, and the return of school items (i.e. library and home reading books).  Given our school closed without the opportunity to organize student belongings, teachers will need some time to sort and gather your child’s personal items. I ask for your understanding and patience as we undertake this work.

Over the next week and a half, teachers will access the school to sort, gather and bag your child’s personal belongings from their classroom. Teachers will do their best to determine what belongs to whom, relying largely on personal items, such as shoes and clothes, being labelled with a name.  Any items that are not able to be sorted or all unclaimed items will be donated and/or discarded in July.  

Please find information below which outlines the health and safety practices that must be followed for curbside pick-up of your child’s belongings:


Before Coming to the School Site:

Before coming to the school it is imperative that the parent/guardian and child complete the Region of Waterloo Public Health COVID-19 Self-Assessment and 

    • Be free of COVID-19 symptoms
    • Not have been in close contact with any individual diagnosed with COVID-19 or exhibiting potential COVID-19 symptoms
    • If the self-assessment indicates recommendations for care/isolation, and/or the conditions a) or b) are not met, do not come to the school/site.


You will be given a designated date and time to arrive at the school. Please only arrive at your designated date and time. The WRDSB has an obligation to follow social gathering requirements set out by the Government of Ontario as well as the critical physical (social) distancing criteria outside and inside the facility at all times.


Designated Curb-Side Pick-up Route:

The school will have a designated and marked route for curbside pickup.  Please follow the instructions at the site for driving along the route.  When you are at the pickup location, parents/guardians/students are asked to remain in your vehicle and a school staff will assist.


Please follow these instructions:

  1. Families are asked to remain in their cars while approaching the school’s designated pick up location.
  2. School staff will approach your vehicle, maintaining 2m (6.5 ft) distance from the vehicle. 
  3. School staff will confirm the identity of the student/parent/guardian and set the bag of student belongings on the ground 2m (6.5ft) from the vehicle and step away from the bag.
  4. Parent/Guardian can then get out of their vehicle and pick up the bag and take it back to their vehicle.


For parents arriving without a vehicle:

Where possible, families are asked to identify one person who can come to the school to retrieve the student’s belongings. The parent/guardian will be provided direction from school staff and are encouraged to follow social distancing guidelines at all times while on school property.  Parents/Guardians are encouraged to wear face coverings.


Important Notes:

    • Your child is encouraged to use this opportunity to return any school property, i.e., library books, text books, musical instruments, etc. Please note: for all students returning to our school in September, all school technology may remain with the family through the summer.


  • If you or your child is feeling ill in any way, please do not come to the school.  Contact the Administrator to make alternative arrangements.







Wednesday, June 17th        OR            Thursday, June 18th

PICK-UP – organized by LAST NAME (the same schedule for both June 17th & 18th):

  • A – G  from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
  • H – O  from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • P – Z   from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.


if arriving by car:  

please enter the main entrance parking lot from Belleview Ave. and exit out onto Smithson St.

  1. Families are asked to remain in their cars while approaching the school’s designated pick up location.
  2. School staff will approach your vehicle, maintaining 2m (6.5 ft) distance from the vehicle. 
  3. School staff will confirm the identity of the student/parent/guardian and set the bag of student belongings on the ground 2m (6.5ft) from the vehicle and step away from the bag.
  4. Parent/Guardian can then get out of their vehicle and pick up the bag and take it back to their vehicle.

if arriving by foot:  

  1. Please come up the sidewalk closest to the flagpole, using the markings on the sidewalk to help maintain physical distancing at all times.  
  2. Families are asked to identify one person who can come to the school to retrieve the student’s belongings (you may want to consider bringing a wagon or stroller if needed to carry belongings home).


  • If you have a library book, home-reading book or other school-owned materials, there will be bins set out for you to place these items in.  Please maintain physical distancing at all times.
  • We will NOT be collecting WRDSB-owned devices (i.e. Chromebooks, iPads) at this time, UNLESS you are moving out of the WRDSB to a school in another Board or province.